IT Security

it-securityIT security is a hot topic in business circles. Because the nature of security risks is constantly changing, it can be difficult for business owners to identify and create a flexible and defensive plan while taking care of core business functions. Consider hiring NETCORE to take care of your IT security needs so you can spend your time focusing on your business instead of worrying about IT security.

The Threats
IT security is the umbrella term for layered protection that is designed to protect your IT environment from internal and external threats. A comprehensive IT security plan will help protect your company's intellectual and financial assets. IT consulting companies have identified that most threats to corporate IT environments fall into the following categories:
  • Viruses are malicious, hidden, self-replicating applications that attach themselves to commonly used programs. Viruses become active every time an infected program is opened.
  • Worms are another type of malicious, self-replicating application. Worms are IT network aware and can easily spread throughout an entire IT environment. Unlike viruses, worms do not need to attach themselves to another program in order to affect your corporate IT environment.
  • Trojan horses are pieces of malicious code that are typically attached to downloadable computer programs, applications, apps, etc. Computer users will often seek out a legitimate application, such as a free trial productivity app, and while using the program, the Trojan horse will upload into the user's computer. Trojan horses are dangerous because they can evade most security programs.
  • Rootkits are programs that hackers use to mask intrusion to individual desktop computers and even the entire IT environment while gaining administrator access to your company's entire IT environment.
  • Spam is any unwanted or unsolicited electronic junk mail.
  • Spyware is a type of malware that, once loaded onto your company's computers, will collect bits of information from users.
  • Hacker is the label assigned to any person that purposefully gains unauthorized access to any computer system, personal or corporate, with the intent of causing harm.

Why It Matters
Because companies in many vertical markets are being held accountable for the security of consumer and corporate data through government regulations, policies, and contractual obligations, it has become a corporate responsibility to protect regulated data. As such, your company needs to have a comprehensive security plan in place to protect all of its data and the IT environment on which it is stored.

The Plan
Since businesses are experiencing increased regulations that affect how IT environments are protected, IT companies suggest that all corporations create and adopt a comprehensive IT security plan. Regardless of your unique corporate needs, NETCORE recommends that your IT security plan consist of three different components:
  • Policies are the written rules regarding both user behavior and business operations. NETCORE suggests that, at minimum, your business should have an Acceptable Usage Policy that explicitly outlines what users can and cannot do on their computer systems. In addition, NETCORE also encourages you to consider that there are other security policies that would help protect your corporate IT environment and the data stored on it.
  • Risk assessment involves evaluating the external and internal threats to your company, business assets, data, reputation, clients, and partners. By effectively analyzing your company's IT security risks, your IT support team can create a proactive plan to prevent security breaches and prioritize your IT investments to make maximum use of your IT budget.
  • Defense in depth is the concept of layered security where multiple security products are in place at different locations on your network to prevent security events from affecting your important data. Layering IT security ensures that your business has overlapping IT protections in place to keep your proprietary data and IT environment secure.
Because threats to your company's IT environment are constantly changing, you need access to dedicated IT services providers that are up-to-date on the newest threats and how to protect against their potential risks. NETCORE has more than ten years' experience helping businesses create customized IT security plans. NETCORE has assisted numerous clients in most vertical markets create, implement, and maintain comprehensive security plans to protect their IT environments. To learn more about how your business can protect its IT environment and data, please contact us..